We set up our first enterprise hub in Deptford, London in 2000, under the name of the London Youth Support Trust. Since then, we have expanded across London and helped to establish ‘sister’ charities across the UK. In 2017, we decided to bring all these charities together under the same banner, the Launch It Trust.
There is a great need for what we do. Many young people are at risk of being left behind in a modern society where the gap between rich and poor is ever increasing. Those entering the jobs market are finding themselves stuck in low-skill, low-wage, insecure jobs or worse, entirely disconnected from employment, education or training.
Self-employment offers an alternative; it provides young people with the opportunity to build confidence and earn an income doing something they find inspiring and interesting, whilst also gaining vital skills to enable them to succeed in life.
Most importantly, it changes the way they see themselves.
Now I have changed my mind pattern into ‘I cans’ and ‘I will’ instead of focusing on the impossibilities.
Zara Afflick
Box of Prints
Launch It is a group of charities with the same mission; to empower young people to fulfill their potential by providing the workspace, mentoring and training needed to start a business.